Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Are you Right? Is the world Wrong?

Dear Students,
How do you know when you are right and the world is wrong? Or the wold is right and you are wrong? Probably - to some extent - you both are a little right and a little wrong.  Here is a better question: Is it worth it? Is this unbendable? If it is ~ then do not bend.  Hopefully the world will understand.  If this thought is bendable ~ bend a little.  Offer some understanding.  Some fights are truly not worth fighting.

~ Mowery

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

On Judgement

Dear Students,
Someday, Everyone will be judged. ....
Just not by me.
~ Mowery

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

On a first and second Marriage

Dear Students,
A lot of my friends are getting divorced.  It is weird.  I guess it makes sense - we all got married around the same time, had kids at the same time.... and are close to the 10 yr mark on our marriages.  I am about the same age as my mom when she divorced my dad.  I think about divorce every day. (Not in that way!!) I have thought about it every day since I've been married.  It happens.  I try to remember it can happen every day so I am aware.  Multiples (twins) increases your chances. A child with special needs increases your chances. Truth? I am happier in my marriage than I was 5 years ago.  Why is it that second marriages often last longer than first marriages.
What if - by the second time, they think about it and ARE CAREFUL with their marriage.  I don't want to wait for my second marriage to be careful.  I am careful now.  Will you be?  Careful with your marriage?

Snow Day

Life as a teacher gives me special time to spend with my own children.  They inspire me and much of what I write.  Today was a snow day.  I took a bit of time to shoot some pictures.  My inspiration:

My husband (a middle school English teacher) helps Andrew with his homework

Playing with her "dollies"  My kids keep their special toys in toy mailboxes.

Alexander and his nurse.  She loves him and you can see it even as she buckles him in.

Our Kitchen Table.  Addison with Dollies.  Andrew with Turtles (his mailbox is just next to my purse.)  My purse, a tamborine for Alexander to hit.  Shoot the moon for when someone needs a break from the action.  A vent tube and stop watch at the head of the table... signs Alexander will soon be fed.  A fabulous toy from Enabling Devices - Alexander is getting ready to pull a ball... it will make lights and noises.  The nurse's pile for nurses.  .... And there is one thing that just doesn't belong.  See it? 

High school "Love"

Dear Students,
I think a lot about the word "Love" that is tossed around at the high school. Some say you are too young at 17 to understand it.  That may be true - but does anyone really understand it?
In today's world, marriages break up like high school romances.  Do you say it to quickly? Probably.  But the real word people should say is "Devotion."  Love with Devotion is what everyone really wants.  Vows or No Vows - Love through good times and bad.
A healthy love - with respect and kindness.  But .... the trick is the devotion part.  Say Love if you feel it - but keep that devotional love for "the one."


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Our Inner Strength

Dear Students,
It feels good to be back here. You, this place, it settles me.  It gives me a routine of passion.  I get excited for what "comes next."  People say to me, "I could never do it."  Honest. They say it all the time.  That is a lie.  You could do it.  And, put in my shoes - would do it.  We all are capable of moving mountains.  We all have amazing inner strength... that would/will come out if you need it.
Don't worry. I gained 5 lbs because my inner strength told me to eat. :) And now I'm back, here, doing what I love, giving my inner strength a bit of a rest.  This is life. For all of us.

Thanks - without you, I can't do what I love to do.

Monday, January 5, 2015

A rough start to 2015

Today did not go as planned.  Here was my letter to my students:

Dear Students,
2015 - here we come! Every year it seems time moves so slowly, and then I blink and it is a New Year.  Do you know I graduated high school in 1997? And college in 2001? I have been out of school longer than some of you have been alive.  I'm 36.... older than some of your parents.  I will soon be 40 - And everyone knows that is OLD.
I don't feel 36.  I feel 27.  I have a hard time acting 36.  I still want to dance in class and talk about things that matter to you.  Does a 36 year old do that? I was never going to be "stuck in this town" at age 36.  Here is the real question.....  Where will you be at 36? What will you be at 36? And... do you have the drive to put yourself "there?"

Here is how my 2015 return to school actually started:

Then I forgot my lunch, ran out of materials, and did this.....

It is good to be back!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Glass

Dear Students,
Some people may say my glass is 1/2 empty.
Some people may say my glass is 1/2 full. 
Some people may say my glass is just a glass.
But I am responsible for my glass…
What I allow in
What I allow out…
It is my responsibility to OWN my actions.
It is my responsibility to OWN my glass.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Unexpected

One of my first letters.  (I get better at making them legible) 
Dear Students,
Something unexpected will happen.
Something scary will happen
Life = The things that happen to you
The way you react to those things.
1. Alexander is ok.
2. Ray, the twins, and I are ok.
3. We have so much support
4. Did I mention - we are all ok? 
~ Mowery

The Beginning

The Beginning
After the birth of my third child, Alexander, my perspective on life changed.  He has Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome and has taught me many life lessons.  When I returned to teaching, I was looking for a way to connect to my students.  I started writing letters.  3 years later - and hundreds of letters later - students now stop in to see the letters.  With a lot of prompting, I decided to post some.  I hope you enjoy.

Some questions I am frequently asked:

Do you discuss your letters in class? No
Do students talk about your letters in class? They discuss them with each other. Or will drop something from the letter during class. 
How do you come up with the ideas for the letters? Personal experience usually.  I think about what is on my mind or heart and write about that.
When do you write the letters? In the morning. On the way to school or once at school before students come to class.
Do you still feel they are important? Yes.  I think building connections - that aren't assigned - with students is a big key to teaching.  Getting to know your students is always a good thing.
Why do you write them? Just to talk to your students? No.  I believe that education is more than a test.  More than state standards.  More than traditional English and math.  I believe the purpose of school should be to teach students how to learn... and not only how to learn, but how to love learning.  If a person loves to learn new things, they are the people we want in our workforce.  In positions of power. In our society.  These letters teach, but not traditional things.  They teach the students how to think about topics and formulate opinions.

Happy reading.  What questions do you have about the letters?